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Conscious Christmas Gift Guide 2023

By Canopey Team

Christmas is coming and we’re here to guide you through the minefield of trying to shop more consciously for the festive season.

Every year the mad rush to buy piles of presents takes us over and the pressure can make it hard to shop with intention. But this year? We’ve got your back. We’ve put together the ultimate Conscious Christmas Gift Guide for 2023, to help you through the muddle of finding a suitable and special – yet sustainable – gift.

Without further ado, let’s dig into our ultimate conscious Christmas gift guide!

We’ve broken the guide down into different categories based on who you’re buying for.

So whether your sister’s The Outdoor Adventurer of the family, your friend is The Eco Commuter, or your boyfriend is The Zero Waste Champion, you’ve come to the right place.

Gifts for The Stocking Fillers

Gifts for The Stocking Fillers

Looking for a couple of small gifts but want to keep things conscious? We’ve put together a list of great sustainable favourites form our collection of curated and verified products, from beauty and skincare to on the go essentials.

So whether you’re looking for just one or two little gifts, or you’ve got a stocking to fill, here are some of our curated sustainable stocking fillers on Canopey.

Gifts for The Outdoor Adventurer

Gifts for The Outdoor Adventurer

An appreciation for the great outdoors often goes hand in hand with a passion for sustainability. We all know an Outdoor Adventurer who can be found ogling the latest Patagonia jacket or won’t stop talking about their Jet Boil. They cherish the natural world and they’re always posting reels of their latest hiking trip to show off the beautiful scenery. They understand that their love for hiking, camping, and exploring the great outdoors comes with a responsibility to protect these environments.

By choosing sustainable gear and practising eco-friendly habits, they aim to minimise their ecological footprint, ensuring that the wild spaces they enjoy remain untouched and vibrant for future generations to explore and appreciate.

Here’s a selection of outdoorsy gifts perfect for adventuring with – whether to stay warm, stay smelling fresh or stay hydrated with style.

Gifts for The Green Parent

Gifts for The Green Parent

New Parents are often deeply moved to create a better world for their little ones. Their commitment to sustainability stems from a desire to ensure a healthy, thriving planet for their children to inherit.

By choosing eco-friendly kids products and adopting green practices, they're not only safeguarding their child's immediate environment but also contributing to the larger movement towards a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future for everyone. That’s a sentiment we can definitely get on board with!

Gifts for The Conscious Fashionista

Gifts for The Conscious Fashionista

This style-savvy individual blends her love for fashion with a deep commitment to the environment. She recognizes the significant impact the fashion industry has on the planet and seeks to change this narrative.

By opting for sustainable brands, upcycled garments, and ethical fashion choices, she becomes a trendsetter in a movement that values style and substance, proving that fashion can be both fabulous and eco-friendly.

Gifts for The Smartly Dressed Gentleman

Gifts for The Smartly Dressed Gentleman

The Smartly Dressed man knows that style and sustainability can go hand in hand. As a conscious consumer, he chooses his wardrobe with care, prioritising quality over quantity and sustainability over fast fashion trends.

He understands that every clothing choice is a chance to make a positive impact on the environment, opting for eco-friendly fabrics and supporting brands that align with his values of responsible and ethical fashion. Here’s a selection of great responsible garments from our menswear range, perfect for the Smartly Dressed Gentleman in your life.

Gifts for The Clean Freak

Gifts for The Clean Freak

The Clean Freak appreciates the finer aspects of personal hygiene and grooming, with a special emphasis on environmentally-friendly practices. They indulge in luxurious, yet sustainable soaps, shampoos, and deodorants, often opting for products with organic, natural ingredients. Their bathroom is a haven of eco-conscious products, from shampoo bars to cruelty-free powder refill shower gel.

This commitment to staying fresh and clean is deeply intertwined with their respect for the planet, proving that personal care and environmental care can go hand in hand.

For them, feeling good is synonymous with doing good for the planet. Do right by them by picking one of our great skincare and personal care brands, curated by us:

Gifts for The Skincare Routine Queen

Gifts for The Skincare Routine Queen

The Skincare Routine Queen values not only the health of their skin but also the health of the planet. They carefully select products that are kind to both, understanding that what goes on their skin can impact the environment.

By choosing cruelty-free, natural, and sustainably sourced skincare, they exemplify how beauty routines can be environmentally conscious without compromising on quality or effectiveness. Check out some of our beautiful and soothing skincare products, curated by us:

Gifts for The Eco Commuter

Gifts for The Eco Commuter

The Eco Commuter is dedicated to reducing their carbon footprint, one journey at a time. Whether it's cycling to work, using public transportation, or carpooling, they make conscious choices to minimise environmental impact.

This dedication reflects a broader commitment to sustainability, understanding that even daily commutes can make a significant difference in the global effort to combat climate change.

Here’s a variety of products perfect for the morning or evening journey, to help make those daily choices lower waste and more conscious:

Gifts for The Household Cleaner

Gifts for The Household Cleaner

The Household Cleaner believes in a clean home that doesn't come at the expense of the planet. They opt for natural, biodegradable cleaning products, avoiding chemicals that can harm the environment.

Their choices reflect an understanding that sustainability starts at home, and that eco-friendly cleaning practices can have a significant positive impact on both their living space and the planet.

Here are a few of our cleaning products, many of which they can refill and even subscribe to on Canopey to cut down on plastic waste and leave their home with a sparkling and sustainable shine – even after the Christmas madness:

Gifts for The Sustainable Home Maker

Gifts for The Sustainable Home Maker

The Sustainable Home Maker creates a living space that is both beautiful and environmentally conscious. From furniture made of sustainable materials to energy-efficient appliances, every element of their home reflects a commitment to reducing environmental impact. They understand that a sustainable home is not just about aesthetics but also about creating a space that is harmonious with nature.

Here’s a curated selection of our range of home items and decorations, perfect for the Sustainable Home Maker:

Gifts for The Animal Lover

Gifts for The Animal Lover

The Animal Lover's passion for pets goes hand in hand with a deep respect for all living creatures and the environment they inhabit. They choose eco-friendly pet products and support conservation efforts, recognizing that protecting the planet also means safeguarding the habitats and well-being of animals, both domestic and wild.

For a happy dog dad or pooch parent, try our curated collection of pet products:

Gifts for The Zero Waste Champion

Gifts for The Zero Waste Champion

The Zero Waste Champion is a visionary in sustainable living, striving to leave the smallest footprint possible. They embrace a lifestyle that reduces, reuses, and recycles, turning away from disposable culture.

Their commitment reflects a deep understanding of the impact of waste on the environment and a dedicated effort to be part of the solution.

Not every choice can be fully zero waste, but here are some great ways to cut down as much as possible and earn brownie points with the Zero Waste Champion in your life:

Gifts for The Sustainable Student

Gifts for The Sustainable Student

The Sustainable Student combines their pursuit of knowledge with a passion for the environment. They make eco-friendly choices in their daily campus life, from digital textbooks to reusable coffee cups, understanding that sustainability is not just a practice but a learning journey that shapes their impact on the world.

Before they head back for another term, try something from our selection of Sustainable Student gifts for a conscious Christmas gift:

Gifts for The Mindful Foodie

Gifts for The Mindful Foodie

The Mindful Foodie savours every bite with an awareness of its impact on the planet. They choose local, organic, and plant-based options, understanding the environmental implications of food production. Their culinary choices are a delicious celebration of sustainability and a reflection of their commitment to a healthier planet.

No matter where they are on their journey with sustainability, these gifts can provide a tanalisingly tasty treat when wrapped up underneath the tree:

Gifts for The Considered Cyclist

Gifts for The Considered Cyclist

The Considered Cyclist views their bike as more than just a mode of transport; it's a statement of environmental responsibility. They choose cycling not only for its health benefits but also for its low environmental impact, promoting a sustainable and active lifestyle that benefits both the individual and the planet.

Before they head back to the garage to work on their chain links, try one of these gifts for the Considered Cyclist in your life:

Gifts for The Fragrance Fanatic

Gifts for The Fragrance Fanatic

The Fragrance Fanatic has a nose for scents that are as kind to the planet as they are pleasing to the senses. They seek out perfumes and fragrances made with natural, ethically sourced ingredients, avoiding synthetic compounds that can harm the environment. Their choice reflects an understanding that luxury and sustainability can coexist.

Try one of our curated fragrance-filled gifts for a sweet smelling and sustainable present this Christmas:

Gifts for The Dental Hygienist

Gifts for The Dental Hygienist

The Dental Hygienist prioritises oral health while being acutely aware of the environmental impact of dental products. They opt for sustainable options like bamboo toothbrushes and biodegradable floss, understanding that small changes in daily routines can contribute significantly to reducing plastic waste and promoting overall environmental wellness.

Here’s a selection of our curated gifts for the person who loves to keep their pearly whites bright:

Gifts for The Responsible Runner

Gifts for The Responsible Runner

The Responsible Runner combines their passion for fitness with a commitment to the environment. They understand that their choice of running gear can have a significant impact on the planet. Opting for sustainably made athletic wear, shoes crafted from recycled materials, and eco-friendly hydration options, they exemplify how a love for running can harmonise with a dedication to preserving the natural world.

For a gift that makes every stride a step towards a healthier planet, try our curated selection of Responsible Runner gifts:

Bonus: 10 Tips For Shopping Sustainably This Christmas

1. Secret Santa: Setting up a secret santa is a great way to cut down on stressful shopping trips and – more importantly – unnecessary and even unwanted gifts. That means a more eco-friendly and sustainable result, with less waste and more happy reactions round the foot of the Christmas tree.

Got a big group, or just want to make the whole process more drama-free? There’s loads of online tools to randomly select and buddy up pairs of people, making the whole thing easier.

2. Quality Over Quantity: Before you buy, consider the lifetime of that product – is it a quality, well-made object that will provide its new owner with a worthy return? Is this going to be something for them to love for a long time?

Shopping on SHEIN and going for cheaply-made plastic items may seem like a saving, but it’s not always the case in the long-run. Ever had a t-shirt go misshapen, a pair of leggings rip, or a plastic knick-knack fall apart on you? Not only do you have to buy a replacement or find a fix, you have to shell out more. This idea ‘false economy’ idea is the case for lots of cheaper products, so if you can make the choice, we’d always recommend opting for the better-made option.

3. Secondhand and Regifting: You don’t always have to buy new. Some of the greatest wardrobe staples or mantlepiece decorations come in the form of a charity shop find. It can be rewarding to pick up a ‘diamond in the rough’, and moreover to show you’ve really thought about the person by looking around for the perfect unique gift.

On the less glamorous side (but only if you don’t tell them) regifting something that just wasn’t for you is a great way to reduce waste and save you money. If it means that pair or socks or the Jamie Oliver book which you already have two copies of finds its forever home, then power to you.

4. Gift A Skill: Setting a friend or loved one on the path to a new skill is a fun and unique idea for a gift. It's a fun, interactive gift that promotes creativity and reduces waste.

Whether they’ve expressed an interest before or if you’ve just got a hunch that Peruvian candle-making is their calling, a DIY kit or a taster course is a great way to earn some brownie points. Consider soap making to knitting, home décor to jewellery-making – there’s loads of options out there. Sculpd clay kits and Workbench London’s ring mould kits are some ideas to start with.

5. Handmade: As we’ve mentioned you can give the gift of a skill or hobby, but you can also make use of your own. A handmade Christmas decoration, a knitted or crocheted item of clothing, or a personalised art piece could all make for a thoughtful handmade gift.

Even if you don’t think you’re the artsy type, there are lots of simple ideas out there on websites like Pinterest, where even the clumsiest and least nimble-fingered can have a go at making a Christmas decoration, ornament or piece of art.

6. Experiences: If you’re struggling with gift ideas remember that not every gift to be wrapped up with a bow. Consider finding a memorable experience, exploit or adventure for your friend or loved one. Experiences can reduce waste and create lasting memories.
A few places to start include concert tickets, restaurant vouchers, online classes, or a local outdoorsy adventure. You could even plan an outdoor adventure of your own that focuses on nature, like a hiking trip, a day of kayaking, or a visit to a national park, emphasising enjoyment of the environment in a respectful way.

7. Personal Gifts: Giving the gift of time sounds awfully poetic and high-concept, but hear us out. Whether it’s a three-course meal, or for you to do a bit of gardening or DIY, or even to fix up their bike (this one’s probably only best if you know how to use a socket wrench).

As with gifting an experience, you might want too make up a homemade voucher to give them something to open on Christmas day. Then it’s up to then to ‘book in’ their gift at a time that suits them. If you’re lucky, they might forget and you can get away with it.

8. Wrapping Paper: When it comes to wrapping up your gift, avoid the glittery and reflective stuff, as it’s usually impossible to recycle properly. You can find a lot of recycled wrapping paper too, which is a good step.

If you want to get inventive, try old newspapers, or reusable cloth for gift wrapping. These add a unique and personal touch and you can spruce them up with natural sprigs, leaves and berries for rustic-looking decorations.

9. Dec(orate) The Halls: Decorations can be pretty but it can end up being a bit of a plastic-fest! Opting for natural decorations like pinecones, branches, and handmade ornaments. Avoid plastic decorations and opt for those which will last a long time, or else can biodegrade and compost naturally. Drying out slices of fruit is a great decoration idea since you can eat them or pop them in drinks afterwards (just don’t leave them out too long) and old pinecones can be used again and again.

10. Out Of The (Gift) Box Ideas: There are lots of other things you can gift an environmentally-conscious friend or loved one that may not spring to mind. You could plant trees, gift to a charity on their behalf or support a local community project.

Or simply pick up a Canopey gift card, so they can choose from our wide range of eco-friendly products and essentials.

Wrapping things up

That (gift) wraps up our Conscious Christmas Gift Guide for 2023.

There’s plenty more ideas for sustainable gifts on Canopey, so check out our other sections and browse our full gifts collection for more ideas.

If you’re stuck for ideas, check out our Spaces feature, which helps you look at items around the home and helps you discover about the swaps you can make to reduce your impact over time. It’s a great way to read up on why the mainstream options can be unsustainable, and easy ways to make positive changes step-by-step!

Finally, we have loads of other blogs where you can get inspiration and learn about how to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Thanks for reading, and Happy Christmas!